Sunday, July 26, 2009

Back Again

Wow. It's been a while. 4 months or so. Much has happened so I'll fill everyone (aka nobody) in.

Most of my time has been dedicated to the band. This means long car rides on the 401, lugging heavy not to mention awkward equipment around, working a dead end job to pay for anything we want to do, dealing with smelly dudes who are basically just annoying all the time (love you guys), and playing/writing some tunes, which in my humble opinion are pretty fucking good. And god do I love it.

Seriously though, we've been playing a lot of shows. We've made so many friends, both with dudes in bands and also people who just come to the shows and support like mad. If it wasn't for these people it might not be worth it. But because of these people, I can see it's the best damn job in the world. If you can call it a job.

We've been in the studio recently. We recorded an album... I guess you could call it a full-length. It's kind of stuck in between EP and LP land, as there are only 6 full songs (though there are 9 tracks, including an intro and outro, as well as an interlude which I am extremely stoked on), but, because we're douchebags, we like to keep our songs nice and lengthy. I'm serious, I'm pretty sure none of the actual songs clock in under 4 minutes. AND, I'm fairly certain one song clocks in at over 7 minutes. Yikes. 

Anyways, it was recorded by Derek Hoffman of the band Brighter Brightest ( - check it, you'll start dancing). The guy's a genius. It's not very often you find someone that literally one ups your vision of the record, but I'm pretty sure this fucker just did. Ballin'. He's also recorded the band To Cherish (, probably some of the nicest dudes I've ever met, as well as being one of the top bands in existence.

We also have some sweet guests on it, so stoked on that too. Just wait and see:)

Anyways, to put things quite simply, I'm optimistic for the future. I'm hoping that we can tour with some good friends, and hopefully get our music spread as far across the board as possible.  Cause really, all I wanna do is this.

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