Saturday, November 29, 2008

Studio baby!

Yup, I'm in the studio with my band right now. We're having quite the time. We're in Woodbridge Ontario, which is in the GTA, just outside of Vaughan. Bob is sitting beside me playing some old fashioned shoot 'em up Goldeneye. Yes. Goldeneye. Fuckin' sweet, right? Haven't played it in years but Steve "Bring Me The Ho" Rizun has an N64 and some classic games just sitting waiting for us here at Drive Studios.

We're also trying to video blog this, so (barring technical difficulties) you'll be able to see us live in action. It'll probably be up on our MySpace, as well as YouTube. 

Anyways, enough of that shit.

This weekend has been great so far though. There's nothing like chilling with your best friends in the world non-stop. Seriously, if you have a friend near you right now, give them a great big sloppy kiss for me. Show them how much you appreciate them, even though they are so full of shit sometimes:)

Gotta go though! Nich is stealing the computer from me! Be back later! Peace dudes!

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