Monday, December 1, 2008

Stranded... in Guelph

We were supposed to leave the studio last night. However, the torrential snowstorm hurricane of a motherfucking storm that hit southern Ontario had other plans for us. We managed to make it to the outskirts of Guelph but at that point I couldn't even see a foot in front of me through my windshield. Not to mention, we passed a giant accident with cop cars, fire engines and tow trucks galore. It didn't leave me with a great feeling about driving, needless to say.

We're staying in a hotel called Staybridge Suites. The rooms are actually decently pimped out for the price, which made the shittyness of the night prior a little more bearable. And the desk clerk was dope, she hooked us up, no questions asked. She even gave me a discount on the room, which she really did not have to do. You're cool lady.

Some moron saw us bringing our guitars into the room. He decided to open his mouth, telling us "the wives" were already high-strung as it is and that if we played the guitars, they would hear it and come calling. He expressed himself in a joking manner, but it was apparent that it was he who did not want us playing the guitars. Two things - 1. If you're going to make judgments about complete strangers whom you don't know just because they have guitars and they are young, at least have the balls to not blame it on "the wives" when it's clearly you who is the asshole, and 2. Realize that we're not here to "play guitar" but merely because of the GIANT FUCKING SNOWSTORM outside. (2.5. Even if we were planning to play them, you're an idiot if you think that unplugged electric guitars will carry into another room. Seriously.)

Anyways, sorry about the rant. I'm just sick and tired of people automatically judging me and my bandmates. If you see someone with a tattoo, or piercings, it doesn't necessarily mean they're the spawn of Satan. You don't have to drift to the other side of the room when we're walking your way. In fact 9 times out of 10, I'm probably nicer than you anyways. Bam.

That's why the chick at the front desk was so rad.

Anyways, I'm gonna start up something I promised in my first blog, which is to start recommending stuff that makes me feel happy. Today's recommendation is a movie actually. It's called Road To Perdition (2002). It's a somewhat unknown film, which is surprising considering it stars the always amazing Tom Hanks, the then-unknown Daniel Craig, a creepy-as-hell Jude Law (I know, right?) and the late great Paul Newman, in an Oscar nominated performance. It really should have won Best Picture that year, but wasn't even nominated due to the fact that it came out early 2002 instead of during Oscar season.

I won't give away much, but I will say that it involves the Irish mafia during the 1920's. It's one of the most beautiful films ever made ( I'm talking everything about it- story, acting, directing, cinematography...). It's directed by Sam Mendes (American Beauty, Jarhead) and he masterfully tells the grim tale of a son and his former-mafioso father dealing with the death of loved ones. The film also contains, in my opinion, the greatest scene in cinematic history. You might know it automatically, but in case you want to know, I'll just say, without giving anything away, that it involves Tom Hanks, Paul Newman, and the line "I'm glad it was you".

Seriously, this movie captivates me every time. Watch it, now.

Peace hombres!


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