Friday, January 23, 2009

I don't know...

Lately something has been happening. I don't know what it is. I don't know how to explain it, but I'll try.

To oversimplify, I could say that I've had an overwhelming sense of joy. It's constant, there all the time. I notice what's around me more. My senses have been heightened. I am overcome with this urge to live. Truly live. And, I think, to an extent, I am.

I'm not talking about going out and partying, or making money, or any of that. 

I want to see the world. 
I want to make new friends, interesting friends, that listen and discuss. 
I want to show people that there is more to life than what they immediately envelope themselves in. 

My close friends are my close friends for a reason. They have closed themselves off from the superficial aspects of the world, the petty habits and expectations that are thrust upon each and every one of us, through some way or form. In doing so, they have opened themselves up to everything else. Real experiences, real meaning. That, I believe, is the most important thing.

This doesn't mean you can't enjoy the small things. You can still crack open a beer, or watch the game on Sunday. You can still enjoy your favorite television show, or play a video game with your friends. It just needs to be kept in context. You need to realize that these things are, indeed, small. There's more to life. Much more.

That's where the joy comes from. The understanding. The ability to live and enjoy each moment. 

And to be able to see why that moment is important.

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