Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm sitting and listening to Copeland, while watching the clouds transform themselves into weirder and weirder shapes. The rain has continued to downpour throughout the day, the remnants of a truly awe-inspiring storm that graced London last night. I haven't felt that way since being stuck in the midst of an oncoming tropical storm in South Carolina a few years back. Intense.

I love the feeling of a giant storm on the horizon. Something about it just seems so absolutely unreal and unworldly. At least unworldly in our sense of "world" - a corporate, impatient mess. It's nature in it's most primal and natural form, and that seems to bring out a real excitement in me, something that is rare in this day and age.

The last few days have been some of the best days in a while. This summer, in fact, has probably been the best summer of my life.

The boys of Brighter Brightest came and crashed in my basement for two days. Wonderful dudes. They're on tour with Mike Froh and The Mission District. They needed a place to stay while they stopped here in London. They were amazing house guests. The show at the Music Hall Lounge was an experience to remember. Brighter Brightest's performance was perfect. Those guys are definitely born for the stage. They've managed to come very far for being around only a little longer than a year, having done extensive cross-Canada touring for Rob Dyer and Skate4Cancer as well as gaining a huge fanbase here in Ontario. I see huge things for them in the future.

Additionally, Mike Froh's set was absolutely stellar. I'll admit, I'm a huge fan of his old band The Holly Springs Disaster, and was saddened when he announced that he'd no longer be playing with him. His solo project (formerly known as Dear Solace), which is now his full-time gig, didn't do much for me at first. But when he released his new songs, I was instantly hooked. Seriously, if you were a fan at all of the Springs, and you haven't both heard the song "Drunken Sun" and read the lyrics, do it now. You'll be instantly moved.

His set was brilliant. I've always been incredibly impressed by people that have an absolute mastery over electronic instruments. Their ability to mesh a keyboard, a synth, a laptop, among other things together seamlessly has always blown me away, and Mike is no exception. His performance was flawless. I own a MicroKorg and I'd love to be able to use it to it's fullest extent, but to be honest, I have no idea where to start, and can only use it in it's most basic forms (which doesn't help as I'm not into Euro-trance). I hope someday, I'll be able to really use it. I did a bit of programming on our upcoming album, but nothing extensive. It's a start though.

All in all, the last days have really opened my eyes to the camaraderie that exists in the underground music scene and I guess that's what I really set out to say when I started writing this. I've been a lot of places, and I like to think I've seen a lot of things in my life. But nowhere, and I say this with full sincerity, have I seen the brotherhood and support that I've seen since my band hit the scene about a year ago. With a few exceptions, everyone is out to help each other, and everyone works their asses off to help their fellow dude. It truly is a unique and amazing thing to behold. There are a lot of misconceptions - the partying, the drinking, the moshing, the tattoos - all things people on the outside think of and look down on when they think of this scene, but there is really so much more to it than that. 

I've made the best friends and met the best people in the world since being in my band. I absolutely cannot wait for our album to come out so that we can keep this going. Being in this band is truly amazing.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The world is fucked.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Back Again

Wow. It's been a while. 4 months or so. Much has happened so I'll fill everyone (aka nobody) in.

Most of my time has been dedicated to the band. This means long car rides on the 401, lugging heavy not to mention awkward equipment around, working a dead end job to pay for anything we want to do, dealing with smelly dudes who are basically just annoying all the time (love you guys), and playing/writing some tunes, which in my humble opinion are pretty fucking good. And god do I love it.

Seriously though, we've been playing a lot of shows. We've made so many friends, both with dudes in bands and also people who just come to the shows and support like mad. If it wasn't for these people it might not be worth it. But because of these people, I can see it's the best damn job in the world. If you can call it a job.

We've been in the studio recently. We recorded an album... I guess you could call it a full-length. It's kind of stuck in between EP and LP land, as there are only 6 full songs (though there are 9 tracks, including an intro and outro, as well as an interlude which I am extremely stoked on), but, because we're douchebags, we like to keep our songs nice and lengthy. I'm serious, I'm pretty sure none of the actual songs clock in under 4 minutes. AND, I'm fairly certain one song clocks in at over 7 minutes. Yikes. 

Anyways, it was recorded by Derek Hoffman of the band Brighter Brightest ( - check it, you'll start dancing). The guy's a genius. It's not very often you find someone that literally one ups your vision of the record, but I'm pretty sure this fucker just did. Ballin'. He's also recorded the band To Cherish (, probably some of the nicest dudes I've ever met, as well as being one of the top bands in existence.

We also have some sweet guests on it, so stoked on that too. Just wait and see:)

Anyways, to put things quite simply, I'm optimistic for the future. I'm hoping that we can tour with some good friends, and hopefully get our music spread as far across the board as possible.  Cause really, all I wanna do is this.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Life Is Looking Up...

I'm sorry I haven't posted on this in a while. Fortunately, no one reads this, so I believe my absence was not likely missed.

It's 9 in the morning, and I'm feeling particularly alive for some reason. Mostly, I'm pretty sure it has something to do with my current life situation, which consists of working a mere 15 hours a week and spending the rest of the time with the people I love, doing the things I love. Because of this, I occasionally wake up with these feeling of "life", for lack of a better word.

However, I must admit it's frustrating. There are so many things I want to do, but I'm currently climbing this mountain, that to be honest, seems to have no peak. No end in sight. 

Let me clarify.

All I want to do is tour with my band. Literally doing that would bring everything into perspective for me. Pretty much all of my hopes and dreams would come with that. One example is just seeing the world. I wish that I woke up this morning in Australia. Or Japan. Or England. But I'm here, in dreary London, Ontario, where winter seems to drag on endlessly, and almost everyone looks down on what I'm doing, as if it's some foolish pipe dream.

Conversations usually go like this:

Person: "So what are you doing this year?"
Me: "Oh, well I'm taking the year off. I'm just working towards touring with my band, getting our name out there."
Person: "Oh..."
(awkward silence)
Person: "Well, what do you plan to do when you do go back to school?"
Me: "To be honest, at this point I don't plan to. I was at Western last year, and it really wasn't for me. I felt like I was wasting my time and my money for something my heart wasn't in to begin with. I think my band has a lot of potential, and if we continue to work our asses off, I really think we could do something with this."
Person: "Really? But I mean, you should definitely have a backup plan right?"
Me: "Well, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, school's not going anywhere..."

And so on. You can imagine I'm sure.

I guess people are just so accustomed to the ways of our society, it's rules and it's obligations, that they believe if you aren't in some sort of schooling or post-secondary education, you're probably just a bum with no life of his own. 

It's similar to religion. You're brought up believing one thing. From the start, you're told time and time again that this is the way things are, this is the way they must be, and when you reach a certain age, it is absolute fact. There's no "anything else". There's just this one thing that you should believe and follow and put all your life into. "Anything else" is sacrilege. If you actually stop to think about it, there are a lot of holes, a lot of unanswered questions. But you won't stop to think about and you'll refuse to see those holes. Because if you saw them, all your beliefs would shatter around you. And let's face it, that's a terrible feeling.

However, I believe it's the wrong way of thinking. Everything should be though out, questioned, processed. If you still believe in something so strongly after you've gone through this process, then more power to you. You will not hear any griping from me.

But for me, I'm so young. I feel like right now is the time where I can break out. I can live. I've got the whole world right in front of me. I've got so many things I want to do, so many dreams that I can just reach out and grasp. Why would I wanna be bogged down studying and being one of a hundred thousand, or three hundred thousand, or a million, when I can be just one, just me? If your dream is to be a doctor, or a lawyer, or a teacher, then by all means, go to school, get your degree, go do it! It's what you want. 

It's just not what I want.

The camaraderie of a band is literally what I live for. It's not about money, or fame, or recognition. And it's certainly not about job security. Fuck all that. It's about the life I want to live. And how could I live with myself if I didn't at least try to live that life. 

And let me tell you, the trying is the hard part. This band thing literally takes way more work than you might think going into it. Just getting your name out there is a task and a half. And my entire income, as well as the rest of my band members incomes, goes to paying for gear, studio time, merch, promotion (ie, photos, myspace pages), and food and gas on the road. Next on the list is our very own band van. Exciting. So it's frustrating when people think I sit around all day, waiting for something to happen. That's not how it works, and any band that does this, even if they write the most amazing music ever heard by man will get absolutely nowhere. It's just like anything else. You have to work, and you have to work hard. But working hard will pay it's dividends, in some way, shape, or form.

I guess what I want to say is that I'm learning too. Just not out of a textbook.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Steelers win!!!

I've been at an emotional high the last couple days. Well, ever since Sunday to be exact. You can probably guess why.

The Steelers won the Superbowl. It was a close game, it was a dramatic game, it was an absolutely terrible and wonderful game all at the same time. If you're a Steelers fan, you know exactly what I'm talking about. It was also the best game I've ever seen in my life, edging out last years Superbowl, where the Giants ousted a perfect Patriots team. This one gets the edge because I'm a Steelers fan, and therefore this game meant so much more to me.

I've been a Steelers fan since longer than I can remember. My dad grew up loving the Steelers, in the days of Terry Bradshaw, Chuck Noll, and the 4 championship rings. I inherited my love for the black and gold from him, which is ironic because in hockey he cheers for the Canadiens and I for the Leafs, which, if you're not in the know, is a bitter, brutal rivalry (although I must admit, I've always had a soft spot for the Canadiens because of him, and cheer for them above all teams, except when the face the Leafs).

This game was so special to me because it almost seems like the process is repeating itself. Like the Steelers in the seventies when my dad was a young man, the Steelers of the new millenium seem to be one of the consistent dominant forces in the NFL. They've now won 2 of the last 4 Superbowls. They seem to have that amazing winning quarterback in Ben Roethlisberger. They have a scary good defense, always near the tops of the league, and this year they were at the top of the league. Continuously, they find ways to win games, when it matters most. Right now, they're at the top of the world.

I can only hope they continue to be as dominant as they have been. Nothing would be more amazing for me than if they repeated their success from the seventies, winning 4 Superbowls. Relive the glory days, so to speak. 

They're already on their way. 

Go Steelers

Friday, January 23, 2009

I don't know...

Lately something has been happening. I don't know what it is. I don't know how to explain it, but I'll try.

To oversimplify, I could say that I've had an overwhelming sense of joy. It's constant, there all the time. I notice what's around me more. My senses have been heightened. I am overcome with this urge to live. Truly live. And, I think, to an extent, I am.

I'm not talking about going out and partying, or making money, or any of that. 

I want to see the world. 
I want to make new friends, interesting friends, that listen and discuss. 
I want to show people that there is more to life than what they immediately envelope themselves in. 

My close friends are my close friends for a reason. They have closed themselves off from the superficial aspects of the world, the petty habits and expectations that are thrust upon each and every one of us, through some way or form. In doing so, they have opened themselves up to everything else. Real experiences, real meaning. That, I believe, is the most important thing.

This doesn't mean you can't enjoy the small things. You can still crack open a beer, or watch the game on Sunday. You can still enjoy your favorite television show, or play a video game with your friends. It just needs to be kept in context. You need to realize that these things are, indeed, small. There's more to life. Much more.

That's where the joy comes from. The understanding. The ability to live and enjoy each moment. 

And to be able to see why that moment is important.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Year In Review! (Part 2)

Alright. This is my continuation of the year in review. Go read my first year in review post before you read this if you haven't already. Let's continue with movies.

14. The Incredible Hulk

This film wasn't as well received as Iron Man but I actually enjoyed it more. It's not as light hearted, and it's a bit more angsty. But what Iron Man lacks in action, The Incredible Hulk makes up for it. The film is literally a non-stop battle royale. The final confrontation between the hulk and the Abomination (played by Tim Roth, creepy as ever) is jaw-dropping and way too much fun. Definitely one of the best action sequences of the year.

Ed Norton is funny and charming when he needs to be, and at the same time, brings a real sense of urgency to the Bruce Banner character. And William Hurt, as a bad ass army dude, is just that - bad ass. 

Apparently Norton didn't like the film and thus refused to promote it at the time of its release, prompting speculation that the Hulk character may have to be recast should they decide to make a sequel. Let's hope Norton realizes how good of a film it actually is.

13. Frost/Nixon

One of the big Academy contenders this year, Frost/Nixon is a very entertaining and informative film. Does it deserve to be best picture? Probably not. Frank Langella should be nominated for the Best Actor prize however, in an intense turn as the crooked ex-President of the United States, Richard Nixon. He manages to actually make you feel sorry for the man who completely abused his power as the leader of a nation and famously declared that "when the President does it, it's not illegal". Is it a good thing that we feel sorry for this man? I don't know. That's up for debate.

Michael Sheen also does an awesome job and frankly I'm surprised there hasn't been any talk of him for Best Supporting Actor. This is the year of Heath Ledger so it doesn't really matter, but I'm sure it would still be nice to get nominated.

Go see the film though (if you can find it in any theatres near you). It's great to see the metaphorical boxing match between the ex-President and the entertainer/interviewer.

12. Cloverfield

Yes, this movie seems like it's been around forever. 2008, really? Yup. It came out way back in January and it was definitely the first real movie event of the year.

If you haven't seen this movie yet, I fully recommend it, unless you think you'll get motion sickness. If you don't though, get it. This movie fully immerses you in it, to the point where you literally feel like you're in New York city, trying to survive after the city is attacked by a giant mutant creature, Godzilla-style. It features a cast full of no-names, which makes it all the more real, as you feel like these people are your friends, and you're the one behind the camera. 

The director of the film also utilizes the "less is more" idea. You basically only get one or two good shots of the creature, and they don't come until the last quarter of the film. There's also a sequence in an abandoned subway station which is particularly creepy and enthralling.

I only wish I had seen it in theatres.

11. In Bruges

Probably one of the funniest films of the year. Actually, it was probably one of the more serious, emotional films of the year too. Does that make sense?

Fortunately, this film mixes comedy and drama with ease. Brendan Gleason and Colin Farrell (wait, don't leave, he's actually good in this one!) play hitmen who have fucked up (we're not initially told why, though it comes into play) and are sent by their prick of a boss (played fucking beautifully by the always super cool Ralph Fiennes) to go hide away in Bruges, hence the title. Most of the films wisecracks come the two hitmen's interactions with each other, as Farrell's character grows increasingly tired and impatient with the boring and mundane city, while Gleason's character, older and wiser, urges Farrell to chill out and enjoy the free vacation.

Though it is a film about two hitmen, it's actually not a very violent affair until the third act, when Fiennes' man comes into the play. From here, the film really picks up speed. 

Go watch. Highly recommended. Also, it's one of those films that may have you engaging in philosophical discussion with whomever you watched it with after it's all said and done (sorry about that really awkward sentence).

10. Pineapple Express

Such a damn funny movie. I've got a friend who literally cannot get enough of this film. And with a good reason.

Centered around a stoner dude (Seth Rogen) and his clueless ganja dealer (James Franco, in honestly, a truly amazing, hilarious performance for the ages), Pineapple Express bridges the gap between comedy and action. Our dynamic duo witness a murder and go on the run, with hilarious far-fetched results.

Not much to say. It's a stoner comedy, so stoners may find it funnier than most, but I can definitely say that for any fan of good comedy, you should be able to find something worthwhile here, whether you're high right now or not.

9. Role Models

I was absolutely not expecting this to be as funny as it was. Like Pineapple Express, this film is a buddy comedy featuring Paul Rudd and Seann William Scott as two dudes who, after being arrested, must either go to jail or spend some time in a Big Brother program. After choosing the latter, they meet their "little brothers" and hilarity ensues.

Paul Rudd seems to be on fire lately, but this film also marks a good comeback for Scott, who, let's be honest, hasn't done a decent film in quite a while. Sure, he plays a Stiffler-esque character here, but he's much more likable, as he's actually a nice genuine guy as opposed to the giant bag of douchiness that he inhabits in the American Pie series. Christopher Mintz-Plasse aka McLovin is also in this film and delivers a shitload of laughs himself.

All in all, a great surprise for me as I was only expecting a fun but ultimately forgettable comedy and instead got a film that, well, cracks the top 10!

8. Slumdog Millionaire

This plays a lot like the film City of God, if you've seen it. It's not quite up to the level of that film, but nevertheless, it is one of the most unique movie experiences you'll have all year. The film follows an Indian dude, who is a contestant on the Indian version of "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?". 

The unique and interesting thing about the film is that it structures its main story through flashback. It does so by relating the life of the "Millionaire" contestant to the questions he is being asked, eventually building up to that particular moment in his life. The film would have been even higher on the list if not for its somewhat schmaltzy Hollywood ending, although I'm probably just being nitpicky. 

This film features wonderful performances by the ensemble cast, not to mention an extraordinary directorial job by the brilliant Danny Boyle, who has helmed countless masterpieces including Trainspotting, 28 Days Later, and last year's underrated Sunshine. The film has rightfully amassed a fairly large cult following during its short run in theatres and is absolutely a must-see.

7. Kung Fu Panda

What? A kid's movie? In the top 10? But... but why?

I'll tell you why. This movie is ridiculously funny. Seriously. Jack Black, who voices the titular character, manages to be equally hilarious via voiceover as he is in live action.

Yes, the film does feature an overdone message of "be yourself, no matter what" but what else are we gonna tell the kids? Sure, we could go the route of a certain other kid's movie this year and tell all the kids to stop eating their fat asses to death, but I have a feeling that that one went in one year and out the other ("but mommy! look at the cute robot!").

Not a whole lot more to say. It features a great supporting cast (except for Angelina Jolie, who even manages to annoy me when she looks like a cute furry tiger) but let's not get sidetracked - this is Black's movie, through and through. 75% of the film's laughs (and probably lines) come directly from him. 

If you were having doubts because of the whole "kid" thing, trust me when I say push 'em aside, grab a bowl of popcorn and press play.

6. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Going into this film, I'll admit I was a little biased. I love Brad Pitt (he doesn't seem to do bad movies), I love David Fincher (he doesn't do bad movies) and the trailer impressed the hell outta me. And the film didn't disappoint.

I will start off by saying that this is one of Fincher's weaker entries. It's not his best film. Of course, he's still David Fincher. It's kind of like saying that Amnesiac isn't Radiohead's best album. It's still fucking Radiohead for chrissakes! 

The film centers around Benjamin Button, played by Pitt, who was born old and literally ages backwards his entire life. Interesting premise, based off a short story of the same name by the classic author F. Scott Fitzgerald. The film follows a Forrest Gump-style narrative, which is not a coincidence, as it is written by the same person. 

The entire cast is great in the film, bringing the film to life. I felt as I watched it, that i was living this same life that Benjamin Button is living and as you can imagine, it is quite a task to make someone think they are a backwards aging freak of nature when they aren't. 

The best thing about the film is how it looks. The movie is absolutely beautiful. The collaboration between director and cinematographer works amazingly. Almost every scene is sincerely breathtaking. Go see it for this fact alone if nothing else.

The film probably lasts a little too long, especially the tail end of it, but other than that, Benjamin Button shouldn't disappoint true film freaks like me.


Okay, so again, super long post so I'll cut it short. My next post will feature my 5 top films of the year (at least one is unexpected!) as well as some of the major disappointments. Au revoir!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Year In Review! (Part 1)

So it's 2009. Yes, it's been awhile since I last wrote a blog so it's actually officially been 2009 for about half a month. But that's just me. I'm always late doing anything. Sorry.

I definitely think it's always a good idea to look back at the past year, review the highlights (and the lowlights) and, I don't know, just think things through. Even if you had the shittiest year of your life, you should never forget that time, as it's a good reference point when times are good.

For me, 2008 was probably the best year of my life so far. My band managed to make so much progress, I (mostly) didn't have to deal with the unwanted pressures of the school life, I managed to obtain an awesome job with awesome people to work with, and of course, I still have an amazing and beautiful girlfriend who is the light of my life. Oh, and Barack Obama got elected. That was pretty great.

But mostly what I wanted to do with this blog is have some fun and focus on the entertainment side of things (which, admittedly, is a huge part of my life). So I'll do some Top 10 lists as well as big disappointments and let-downs. Let's get it going!

TOP 20 Movies (from 20 to 1; I watch and love a lot of movies, so top 10 would be leaving out a lot of great films)

20. Ghost Town

Anything with Ricky Gervais is amazing. Anyone that has seen either The Office (British version) or Extras can tell you that. However, when I first saw the trailers for the film I was a bit skeptical. I just couldn't see Gervais' talents going to proper use in what seemed to be your standard run-of-the-mill rom-com. The film, however, turned out to be great fun. It's nothing brilliant by any means, but Gervais has some laugh-out-loud moments and both Greg Kinnear and Tea Leoni are excellent in supporting roles. Go rent it if you're in the mood for a light but entertaining comedy.

19. Gran Torino

I am a huge Clint Eastwood fan. The man's probably my hero. That being said, this film is definitely not his best work as a director. It probably doesn't deserve any Academy Award noms this year, although there has been some talk of it happening. 

All that being said, the film was still incredibly enjoyable. Clint plays Clint, which is always great, especially since we haven't seen it in years. He's menacing, grumpy, scary and ultimately hilarious, all at the same time. Brilliant. Don't go in expecting a Dirty Harry film though, cause you won't get it (even though it's currently being marketed this way). The film struggles from some bad acting from the supporting characters (who apparently were all amateur actors; some had never acted before) and poorly written dialogue (the script probably could've used a couple more rewrites), but seriously, who gives a shit? It's Clint Eastwood, people! That fact alone makes this movie awesome in my books.

18. The Wrestler

The Wrestler is a film about a wrestler. Yup. That's what it is. It basically follows a down-and-out wrestler who is struggling to make ends meet after falling off the professional wrestling circuit.  

The real triumph of the film is the performance of Mickey Rourke who plays the title wrestler. Rourke, who is often looked upon as a washed-up actor (similarities to his character, perhaps?) has certainly rejuvenated himself here. Seriously, he just seems like a genuinely real person, which is harder and harder to pull off in movies nowadays. You feel and live every emotion with him. He breezes through the film, pulling off everything required of him with ease. Truly awesome stuff.

The rest of the film is strong too, if a little depressing. It's definitely not for everyone. It feels more like a documentary actually, which really works and helps to convey the necessary emotions to the audience. Seriously though, the film is worth it just to see Mickey in his most groundbreaking role.

17. Iron Man

Robert Downey Jr. steals the show here. 

As a "superhero" movie, it isn't quite as good as people make it out to be. There are only 3 real action sequences in the film, and the best one (when he first utilizes his Iron Man suit and lays waste to the baddies terrorizing the Middle Eastern village) is way too short. The villain, Obadiah Stane (played beautifully by Jeff Bridges aka "The Dude") is not given enough screentime to be "bad" and therefore we don't hate him as much as we should in the climax.

However, these small flaws are saved by a stellar performance by Downey Jr. He's unbelievably funny. A lesser actor would have made Tony Stark (a conceited womanizer) a completely unlikable character, which would have sunk the film. Not Downey Jr. He easily carries the weight of the film on his shoulders, in the process creating a surefire hit and likely a long-lasting franchise.

16. RocknRolla

A lot of film buffs really dislike Guy Ritchie. They say he can only do one thing well - the fast-talking, uber-cool, Cockney gangster films. To them I say "hell the fuck yeah".

Who really cares if he can only do one type of film well? The fact is that the films he does are way too damn fun to pass up. Lots of directors are only able to do one type of film well, but the fact is, they do them well so why the heck do people complain?

RocknRolla isn't nearly as good or clever as Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels or Snatch so, in that sense, it's a bit disappointing. But once you get past that and just learn to enjoy it, you'll have a super fun time. There's not much to say about it though. If you've seen any of his films, you know what to expect. And if Ritchie follows through on his promise to bring back the two best characters in the film, Johnny Quid and Archie, to star in their own spinoff film, then we will have a real shitshow on our hands.

If you haven't seen any of Ritchie's films, get your car keys and go to Blockbuster. Now. Go. 

Seriously, why are you still reading this? Piss off.

15. The Bank Job

Going into this film I wasn't expecting much to be honest. I, unlike most, love Jason Statham. I thought that this film, however, would be nothing more than a quick escape to the local cineplex. Little did I know that it would turn out to be one of the best films of the year!

The first half centers around a "bank job". Yup, only the first half. The movie dives a lot deeper than you'd think it would. The second half the film is all politics, drama, and action. Much more engaging than I expected it would be. It's more like Layer Cake than Ocean's Eleven. And since there can only be one Ocean's Eleven (not counting the original), this works much better for the film. Go see it. Even if you hate Statham.


Alright well, this post is already considerably long so I'll end here to be continued in the next post where I will finish the movie countdown. Peace folks!